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Motherhood Interrupted

” I have a son. His name is Christopher. He would be nearly thirty-three years old, if I hadn’t made that fateful choice when I was nineteen. . . . On July 2, 1973, I walked into the hospital pregnant, and walked out without an infant in my arms.” So begins the story of . . . . Continue Reading »

Sex Selection Coming to America

Will Saletan, with whom I often disagree but whose journalism and pondering in the area of biotechnology is top notch, has an article out in Slate about how sex selection is coming to America. From his column: Two days ago, economists Douglas Almond and Lena Edlund published an article in . . . . Continue Reading »

Charlton Heston Is Dead

The man who parted the Red Sea, who dared dicker with his pontiff, who sought justice in a border town, who fought zombies, talking apes, and pagans: Charlton Heston is dead at age 84. Richard Corliss over at Time has a respectful overview of his life and career. Christianity Today film reviewer . . . . Continue Reading »

Why I Hate Oprah

Well, I don’t literally hate her, but despite the good she has admittedly done, I consider Oprah! to be a destructive cultural force. Case in point is her inviting the “pregnant man”—who is really a woman who has had his gender reassigned—on her show, further hyping . . . . Continue Reading »

What the Ribbons Really Show

Here’s a very interesting review of a book on what all those ribbons and activist badges say about our culture. A sample: In many respects, Ribbon Culture is an analysis of several apparently contradictory aspects of contemporary culture. The ribbon is, explains Moore, ‘both a kitsch . . . . Continue Reading »



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