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Obama and the Catholics

The blogosphere and op/ed pages have been abuzz the past few days discussing Obama and the Catholics, especially after Hilary Clinton took 70% of the Catholic voters in the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary. One of the key issues that has come up again and again has been abortion, on the assumption . . . . Continue Reading »

Lead Into Gold: More IPSC Advances in Mice

Research on the new Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells continues to advance. Now, scientists have morphed them into heart and blood cells. From the story:Stem cell researchers at UCLA were able to grow functioning cardiac cells using mouse skin cells that had been reprogrammed into cells with the same . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Hip Hop Prayer

Nathaniel, at least Coolio had the good sense of keeping some of the original phrasing—-No, “And even though I walk through the Hood of death,” here. From the 1995 movie “Dangerous Minds”: . . . . Continue Reading »

The Hip Hop Prayer Book

Today a friend pointed me toward The Hip Hop Prayerbook , designed by an Episcopal church in the South Bronx as “a powerful evangelism tool” designed to offer “a means to worship that will draw in the young and speak to those not generally spoken to by the Church.” I have no . . . . Continue Reading »

Stifling Scientific Heterodoxy

All around the country and the world, scientists who don’t fall in line on human cloning, global warming, neo-Darwinism, and other issues in which the Science Establishment demands lockstep thinking, find themselves being pushed aside—ironically, by the very types who vociferously . . . . Continue Reading »

The Mayor and the Cardinal

Bob Novak chastised the archbishops of Washington and New York in his Washington Post column today . Novak argued that the bishops invited pro-abort politicians to attend the Papal Mass, which implicitly included a welcome to the communion rail. And in doing so they had subverted Benedict’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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