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Words to Ponder About the Culture of Death

Recent events have me recalling the best and most succinct description of why we are slowly succumbing to the culture of death. They are from Canadian journalist and commentator, Andrew Coyne, who, reacting to the widespread public support for Robert Latimer, who murdered his daughter Traci because . . . . Continue Reading »

Oregon "Guidelines That Do Not Protect

We keep hearing that the Oregon law is working without a flaw. The media touts that party line in almost every story about the issue. Of course to do that, contrary information has to be ignored. For example, the Michael Freeland case (reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry) in which a man . . . . Continue Reading »

Free Back Issues of First Things

A reader writes to tell us that he will be moving within a month and cannot take along copies of First Things stretching back to August/September ‘94. If anyone in or near Passaic County, New Jersey would like to pick them up, please contact Fr. Ken Smith at 973-427-9007 or via e-mail . . . . . Continue Reading »

He’ll Have Nun of It

While trawling the comments on a Volokh Conspiracy post on the voting ID requirements for nuns in the Indiana primary, I stumbled on this remark: “Presumably the nuns would vote Republican, so the ID requirement may help Democrats after all.” Something tells me the commenter . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ugly Face of Assisted Suicide

There is a column in The Gurdian that illustrates vividly the ugly reality of assisted suicide. The writer Jon Ronson followed some suicide facilitators around, and found that their “compassion” leaves much to be desired. For example, Susan (a pseudonym), is trained by the euthanasia . . . . Continue Reading »



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