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The End of the Global Warming Scare?

Despite the “science is settled” and “consensus” claims of the global-warming alarmists, the fear of catastrophic consequences from rising temperatures has been driven not so much by good science as by computer models and adroit publicity fed to a compliant media. The lack . . . . Continue Reading »

Suicide Tourists dying in Switzerland

By Alex SchadenbergThe Dignitas suicide clinic in Switzerland helped to kill 335 suicidal people in the past two years with 85 percent of them being foreigners.Ludwig Minelli, the director of the Dignitas suicide clinic in Zurich has recently released his statistics on the number of deaths at the . . . . Continue Reading »

Unreality Shows

Kristen West McGuire, the founder of a newsletter called Secretum Meum Mihi , sends an interesting note. It’s too short for one of our daily articles , so I thought we might post it here for our readers: Pregnancy is caused by sexual intercourse. I thought most people knew that. But . . . . Continue Reading »

Seeking Person Status for Chimpanzee

Matthew Hiasl Pan is the name given to him. Nice name except for one major detail. Pan is a 26 year old Chimpanzee. And in the radical animal rights activists mind Pan should be seen as, treated as and protected in law as a person.Thankfully the high court in Austria decided that only people get . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholic Summer Reading

We recently received a message from Aquinas and Moore, a Catholic book retailer with a program for summer reading that might interest some of our readers: I recently read Todd Aglialoro’s April 25, 2008 Inside Catholic article “Whatever Happened to Popular Catholic Fiction?” with . . . . Continue Reading »

Errors in the Gospel of Judas

You’ll recall that two years ago National Geographic unveiled The Gospel of Judas, an apocryphal Christian text that portrayed Judas as the hero who betrayed Jesus in accordance with Jesus’ desire to be free from his physical body. The scholarly proponents of “alternative . . . . Continue Reading »



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