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Save the Liver!

By Jennifer LahlToday’s LA Times is covering a story on four Japanese gang figures who received liver transplants at UCLA. The story raises all of the ethical issues surrounding organ donation and transplantation. How do we ethically share organs which are scarce and precious and needed for . . . . Continue Reading »

Cry Wolf

“A charming and chilling fable”: So says Fr. Richard John Neuhaus about Paul Lake’s new novel, Cry Wolf , released this weekend. You might know Paul’s name from the First Things’ poetry section , of which he is the editor and occasional contributor. Here, however, he . . . . Continue Reading »

AB 2747 Passes Assembly

By Bobby SchindlerAB 2747 passed the California State Assembly by two votes. The bill will now go before the State Senate. This is not good news. The past two years California has failed to pass physician assisted suicide legislation, so Compassion and Choices, strong advocates for assisted suicide, . . . . Continue Reading »

A Life Ends That Was Worthy of Life

In this utilitarian age when bioethicsts tell us that some lives are not worth living based on “quality of life” judgments, it was interesting to read about Dianne Odell, who just died at age 61. She had polio when she was 3 and spent most of her life sustained by an iron lung and the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Catholic Rev. Wright

Being the product of a relatively sequestered New Jersey Catholicism, I wasn’t aware that men like Father Michael Pfleger existed. Silly me. Power Line points us to video of Fr. Pfleger preaching—not at a Catholic church, it seems—about the duty white Americans have to make . . . . Continue Reading »

Italian Jesuit Attacks Magdi Allam

The current issue of the Jesuits’ international monthly Popoli features a blistering attack on Magdi Cristiano Allam and the circumstances of his conversion. The author is the prominent Italian Jesuit Fr. Paolo dall’Oglio, of the Deir Mar Musa monastery in Syria, who warns that Muslims . . . . Continue Reading »

Weighing in on Initiative 1000

By Bobby SchindlerColumnist Joel Connelly chimes in again regarding the state of Washington’s effort (Initiative 1000) to legalize physician assisted suicide. You can read his previous column and Wesley’s remarks.Connelly exposes the overwhelming disparity as far as the money raised from . . . . Continue Reading »



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