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The Audacity of Death

The title of the article says it all. Daniel Allott— in an article from the American Spectator , now reproduced on the Wall Street Journal’s opinion page—highlights Barack Obama’s position on abortion by interviewing someone Obama would have rather seen dead: According to . . . . Continue Reading »

Investing in Stem Cells

That seems to be what Forbes magazine is after in this interview with stem-cell scientist extraordinaire James Thomson. BioEdge highlights these excerpts from Thomson: ? “I do think there will be some niches where transplantation is important, but I think people are grossly underestimating . . . . Continue Reading »

Singularity Watch

Having previously noted the techno-/theo- logical dream of transcending death through science, I’m almost pleased to note that some futurists are now throwing cold water on the idea of The Singularity. (That’s the moment when AI surpasses human intelligence, Skynet becomes self-aware, . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Abortion and the Academy

Oh, and Nathaniel , if you think Canada is bad, did you see what’s up at Yale? Here’s a bit from Michael Gerson’s column in yesterday’s Washington Post : The American kickoff of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation last week unintentionally revealed the mountain of . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion and the Academy

According to Canada’s National Post , the student union at York University has decided to table its proposed ban on student clubs that oppose abortion. Gilary Massa, vice-president external of the York Federation of Students, said student clubs will be free to discuss abortion in student . . . . Continue Reading »

Preaching that Scientistic Religion

I read this NYT op/ed by Columbia physics professor Brian Greene whilst flying home from Europe in the Herald Tribune. On its face, Greene seems to be promoting better science education both in schools and among the general public. But it struck me that his underlying message is that science should . . . . Continue Reading »



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