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NHS Meltdown: Filthy Hospitals

A full one-quarter of NHS trust hospitals in the UK fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness. From the story:The Healthcare Commission reports that no improvement has been made on a year ago. In total, 103 out of 391 trusts admitted they did not achieve the minimum requirements, brought in by . . . . Continue Reading »

This Can’t Be Happening

M. Night Shyamalan seems determined to kill off his career. I’ll explain. In his latest film, a would-be Hitchcockian thriller called The Happening , people start killing themselves all along the Northeast corridor. (And no —Amtrak does not figure in this scenario.) It starts in Central . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: The Liturgically Ineffable

Good point, Steve . That’s the crux of the matter. The rich theology takes some understanding. Do we catechize the laity so that when they hear “ancient bondage” or “ineffable,” they will understand what they mean and have their faith deepened as a result? Or do we . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: The Liturgically Ineffable

Nathaniel calls our attention to Bishop Trautman’s difficulties with the word ineffable as reported in the Erie Times-News . The same newspaper article relates the following: Trautman called parts of the proposed translation “archaic” and “just clumsy language.” One . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholic Fiction, Then and Now

“A fairly large proportion of the distinguished novels of the last few decades have been written by Catholics and have even been describable as Catholic novels.” So began a New Yorker book review , penned by a prominent and decidedly non-Catholic author. Needless to say, you’ll have to dig . . . . Continue Reading »



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