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Baltimore and the Legion of Christ

Archbishop Edwin O’Brien of Baltimore has made public a stiff letter of concern about the activities of the Legion of Christ and its lay affiliate, Regnum Christi, setting out guidelines to be met for its continuing operation in the archdiocese. In the course of his letter he notes the grave . . . . Continue Reading »

Saving DC’s Vouchers

Today DC’s school vouchers come up for discussion in the House, and the outlook isn’t good. Despite the fact that these vouchers have saved many of the city’s underprivileged children from attending some of the worst public schools in the nation, Democrats do not seem inclined to . . . . Continue Reading »

What Gay Marriage Is All About

According to Maggie Gallagher, it’s not about marriage nor is it about Adam and Steve. In a nice article on NRO today , Maggie explains. Here’s her ending: Here’s the conclusion I’ve come to after four-plus years of active participation in the same-sex-marriage debate: Gay . . . . Continue Reading »

How the Internet Changes Our Minds

We like to hope that this blog might change what you think, but Nicholas Carr has a theory that it might change how you think too. In the cover article of the Atlantic Monthly , of which Arts & Letters Daily reminded me, he asks whether our style of reading has changed our style of thinking, and if . . . . Continue Reading »

Metaphor Alert

There are times when you want to watch your metaphors, regardless of how stock they have become. Speaking of the press pool’s access to an event next week, the official White House schedule reads: Tuesday, June 17. 9:45 am EDT. THE PRESIDENT is briefed on Midwest Flooding. Roosevelt Room, The . . . . Continue Reading »


Our friend and FT contributor Sally Thomas has a nice meditation on confession on her blog today . A portion: My confessor raised the question of whether I needed to confess them at all, but when I said I thought I needed to, he heard me out. And then he absolved me. In that moment, I experienced a . . . . Continue Reading »

Russert’s Faith

Jon Meacham has a nice obituary on Tim Russert that focuses particularly on Russert’s faith. If Jody Bottum’s Swallows thesis is correct, I fear that the American Catholic Church won’t be producing another Russert for a long time. . . . . Continue Reading »



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