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Losing Fight Against Malaria: Think DDT

Scientists are losing the war against malaria and are desperately seeking a new tactic. From the story:Faced with a losing battle against malaria, scientists are increasingly exploring new avenues that might have seemed far-fetched just a few years ago.“We don’t have things we can rely . . . . Continue Reading »

“The Wanderer”

In 1993 U2 wrote a song called “The Wanderer” for Johnny Cash, which they then recorded with him. The result is a haunting picture of a sinful man looking for God in the modern world, all in Cash’s rich baritone. If you’ve never heard it, watch the movie below. . . . . Continue Reading »

Russert’s Life Lessons

Our editor in chief has some poignant remarks on Tim Russert’s passing in today’s daily article on the homepage. Read those first. But also take a look at Peggy Noonan’s column . A taste: The beautiful thing about the coverage was that it offered extremely important information to . . . . Continue Reading »

"Media Malpractice"

One of the joys of being a writer is that when something galls you, you can fight back. As readers of SHS know, I have been mightily irked by CBS and MSNBC swallowing whole the specious “study” that global warming is causing earthquakes. My friends at the Daily Standard saw it the same . . . . Continue Reading »

Catholic Hospitals

A reader sends in a link to this report , just published online: A new study of Texas’ Inpatient Hospital Discharge Public Use Data Files for 2000 through 2003 shows that the six US Catholic hospital systems operating in Texas reported providing contraceptive devices and medications as well . . . . Continue Reading »

In Defense of Theology

Bishop Arthur Serratelli of Patterson, NJ, in his diocesan newspaper The Beacon (via Whispers in the Loggia ), writes a sound defense of the proposed new translation of the Mass. Or more accurately, a sound defense of the spirit in which the translation was made: But there is something more at . . . . Continue Reading »

Apples and Pairs (for fun)

The limerick is—or ought to be—the poetic genre ideally suited to the blogosphere: Short and pithy, quotable and memorable, feisty and funny and fine. And sometimes, just sometimes, it actually reveals a kernel of wisdom through the show of wit. Here are two eminent examples, from the . . . . Continue Reading »

Teenage Pregnancy

In yesterday’s daily article, I wrote about the War on Abstinence being waged by Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. At the top of the Drudge Report this morning are news reports from Gloucester, Massachusetts, about seventeen girls—-all under the age of sixteen—-who made a pact to . . . . Continue Reading »



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