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Thoughts on the "Teenager Pregnancy Pact"

It is tempting to put on my quavering old man voice and say, “In my day, teenagers would never get pregnant on purpose. Heck, in my day teenagers didn’t even have sex.”Laugh if you will, but it was generally true. Most of us necked and petted almost to the point of frenzy, but we . . . . Continue Reading »

"Brain Dead" May Not Really Be Dead

The controversy over whether brain dead is really dead may have just heated up with a peer reviewed article in Spinal Cord ((2008) 46, 396-40. (I don’t have a link.)The author, a Greek physician named KG Karakatsanis, concludes that declaration of death by neurological criteria is not reliable . . . . Continue Reading »

Five Loaves and Two Fish

Thirteen years in prison, nine years in solitary confinement. Five loaves and two fish. “Stay with us,” prayed the disciples on the road to Emmaus. So he took bread, blessed it, and gave it to them to eat. Yesterday, at the 49th International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City, the . . . . Continue Reading »



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