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McCain, Obama, & the Catholic Vote

It is remarkable that it has gone unremarked—months into the election season, and nobody seems to have noticed that John McCain is running on an astonishingly Catholic platform. Nearly every time he ventures off the establishment conservative ranch, he moves in the direction of liberal . . . . Continue Reading »

Saletan on the GAP

Slate’s Will Saletan has weighed in on the Spanish plan to pass the GAP. As usual, his take comes at the reader from different and unexpected angles that acknowledge the arguments of the opposing sides of the debate. (And he is kind enough to give a tip of the hat to yours truly.) But I think . . . . Continue Reading »

Planned (Teenage) Parenthood

Dan Moloney, former associate editor of First Things , has a nice article up on NRO today about teenage planned pregnancy and the Gloucester case. It echoes some points that should be familiar to readers of First Things ( here and here ). . . . . Continue Reading »

Turner at the Met

What looks to be a smashing exhibit of J.M.W. Turner opens today at the Met: The first retrospective of the work of J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) presented in the United States in more than forty years, this international exhibition highlights approximately 140 paintings and watercolors—more . . . . Continue Reading »

Not Dead Yet

News from the UK : Trapped inside their bodies, apparently switched off to the world, but still alive: they are the undead. Or so we thought. Forty per cent of patients in a ‘vegetative state’ are misdiagnosed. Now British scientists are leading the field in trying to put that right. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Word Meets Wordle

So the hottest homiletical tool seems to be a piece of software called Wordle . Cut and paste the text of your sermon into the appropriate window and Wordle creates a verbal mosaic, calling out key words in various colors and designs. (You can also try that with your denomination’s confession . . . . Continue Reading »

Great Ape Project Poll

The pending success of the GAP has freaked me out. I have done radio and have articles to come. You know what I think, now it is time to find out what you think. Please take the following poll: Should Apes be Granted “Human” Type Rights? ( . . . . Continue Reading »

More "Anti-Science" McCarthyism

Good grief, there they go again. If you disagree with the progressive political view, er, I mean, the “scientific consensus,” you are branded as “anti science.” Another in a wearying series of cases in point is today’s hysterical rant about global warming by Joseph Romm . . . . Continue Reading »

Election Q&A

Question: Which presidential candidate has a son who served in Iraq? Further question: Why doesn’t he talk about it? For the answers, see this editorial in the Jerusalem Post . . . . . Continue Reading »

Twinkies vs. Crème Brûlée

Shopping for light summer reading is like shopping for desserts in a supermarket. Most books are unfortunately like Hostess twinkies, but if you look hard enough you can find a nice crème brûlée or a tarte aux framboises . (Okay, it’s like shopping in a . . . . Continue Reading »



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