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Assisted Suicide in Germany

The New York Times reports that a German activist for assisted suicide filmed himself assist a healthy seventy-nine-year-old woman end her life. Ms. Schardt, 79, a retired X-ray technician from the Bavarian city of Würzburg, was neither sick nor dying. She simply did not want to move . . . . Continue Reading »

“A Sexual Revolution”

In the current issue of America , ” A Sexual Revolution : One woman’s journey from pro-choice atheist to pro-life Catholic.” The Theology of the Body seems key. A bit from the article: Growing up in secular middle-class America, I understood sex as something disconnected from the . . . . Continue Reading »


Imagine The Incredibles meets A Clockwork Orange . You remember The Incredibles , that Pixar sensation about the family of superheroes who are domesticated by a politically correct society that defines pluralism as an egregious egalitarianism and a uniform mediocrity. And A Clockwork Orange is, of . . . . Continue Reading »

Brideshead on Film

On July 25, a new film of Brideshead Revisited will be released. It has much promise, especially with Emma Thompson as Lady Marchmain, so keep your eyes open for reviews and the movie itself later in July. . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama in Zanesville

According to New York Times , Senator Obama went yesterday to Zanesville, Ohio, where he expressed his support for faith-based organizations—or, as he put it, for fulfilling the failed promises that the Bush administration had made. “When I’m President,” he said, . . . . Continue Reading »

It Pays to be a Eugenicist

Big money is out there for the brightest minds to shove utilitarianism and the goal of human enhancement down our throats. Australian Professor Julian Savulescu (now in the UK)—who I have seen debate and believe me he is one scary cat—has just picked up an 800 thousand pound grant to . . . . Continue Reading »

Fighting for the Right to Life

In Wales, Leslie and Nick Hartland are fighting to keep their six-year-old daughter Amber on a ventilator, and therefore alive. Amber has Infantile Tay-Sachs, an incurable brain disease, and was hospitalized with a chest infection. A judge will soon rule on whether doctors can “withdraw the . . . . Continue Reading »



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