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Some Truths About PETA and HSUS

My friend David Martosko—who is the driving force behind the industry sponsored Center for Consumer Freedom—has a piece in today’s Seattle Post Intelligencer about the need to spend Leona Helmsley’s bequest to dogs on their welfare rather than animal rights proselytizing. . . . . Continue Reading »

Spain Apes the Declaration of Independence

I have written about Spain’s plan to pass the Great Ape Project (GAP) here at SHS previously. Now, I have a more extended piece on the issue in the current Weekly Standard on. From the article:But why grant apes rights? After all, if the Spanish parliament deems these animals insufficiently . . . . Continue Reading »

The Vanity of Human Wishes

South Dakota is full of dead and dying towns: the ones at the bottom of the giant reservoirs along the Missouri, the gold-rush shacks abandoned to tilt further down their crazy angles on the hillsides, the ones the railroad murdered by going somewhere else, the ones the Great Depression killed, the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Perils of a Foreign Language

Yes, well, perhaps that computerized translation program didn’t work out as well as it could for this Chinese restaurant, whose owners seem to have thought that the error message they got was the English translation for which they had asked. But, I don’t know, the food at a place called . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s OK to Hate Contemporary Music

So says the critic Joe Queenan in the Guardian (via Arts & Letters Daily ). After 40 years and 1500 concerts, Queenan doesn’t think much of the taste of the average concert-goer, but he also doesn’t like much of contemporary composition either. When beauty, order, and meaning have been . . . . Continue Reading »

That New Yorker Cover

By now you have either seen or heard about the cover of the latest issue of the New Yorker . Barack Obama is depicted in Middle Eastern dress, and his wife Michelle carries an automatic rifle. From all quarters, including the Obama campaign, objections that the whole thing is scurrilous have been . . . . Continue Reading »

More on the Anglicans and Rome

We’ve mentioned before news that some conservative Anglicans have been in talks about entering the Roman Catholic Church en masse. Now, conflicting reports are coming from the UK. The Independent runs with this headline: ” Pope rides to Rowan’s rescue. Exclusive: Vatican shuns . . . . Continue Reading »

Bork & Mullarkey

Judge Bork has an excellent essay on the judicial usurpation of politics in the June issue of The American Spectator. Referring to how activist judges have enshrined in constitutional law their particular policy preferences, he argues that “the aristocracy that the anti-Federalists feared has . . . . Continue Reading »



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