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California and the Marriage Amendment

The Claremont Institute’s Bradley C.S. Watson has an article on ISI’s First Principles web journal on the need for a federal amendment defining the nature of marriage. The heart of his argument is twofold. First, Watson predicts, judicial fiat will override the decisions of voters in . . . . Continue Reading »

Mea maxima culpa

Some of the oddities and abominations of the English translation of the liturgy are about to go extinct , reported the Congregation for Divine Worship last week. Of course, Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation, didn’t relay the Vatican’s formal approval in precisely . . . . Continue Reading »

Osteen, Schori, and American Heresy

Ross Douthat, an occasional FT contributor and assistant editor at the Atlantic has some interesting comments on Joseph Bottum’s ” The Death of Protestant America .” I think he is right in claiming that the more “conservative” economic fulfillment gospel and the more . . . . Continue Reading »

Messiah Has Come!

Or rather, he came to Europe and has now returned to our shores to grace us once more with his blessed presence. The Times (London) had a delightful piece on his messianic visit across the pond: The Child was blessed in looks and intellect. Scion of a simple family, offspring of a miraculous union, . . . . Continue Reading »

Lit Crit—Survival of the Fit

Literary criticism may be near extinction, to judge from the comments of some scholars in the field, not to mention the dregs of refuse called “papers,” collected every year at such major conferences as Kalamazoo or MLA. We’re desperate,” says Jonathon Gottschall , . . . . Continue Reading »

Just Blame America

N.T. Wright is an outstanding New Testament scholar, having authored some very significant books on Christianity in the last several decades. When speaking out on issues on which he has expertise, Wright is among the best in the world. But when it comes to making pronouncements on international . . . . Continue Reading »

Czech Euthanasia Proposal

I visited Prague last year and found the Czech Republic to be a vibrant and beautiful place. (Photo by WJS.) Alas, it seems to be slouching toward accepting euthanasia, and indeed, a legalization proposal is now being promoted in the country. From the story:According to the proposed legislation, . . . . Continue Reading »

Medical Tourism Cannot Be the Answer

I have reported here at SHS that due to the “NHS meltdown,” tens of thousands of UK patients travel abroad to receive care they should be able to receive close to home. Now, the concept is apparently spreading in the USA, at least if the AMAMedical News is to be believed. From the . . . . Continue Reading »

Janet Rivera: Case Overview

The Fresno Bee has an extended article on the Janet Rivera case today. Rivera is a profoundly cognitively disabled woman whose husband and family want her to live, but who has been ordered dehydrated by the public guardian, a matter we first discussed here at SHS last week. (I was interviewed for . . . . Continue Reading »



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