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Mapping Politics

Google, the everything-and-anything internet company that makes earning money look like a cakewalk, was accused this week of removing Georgia and Armenia from its searchable “Google Maps” site after an armed conflict broke out in the region. Google has issued a statement saying that it . . . . Continue Reading »


Your favorite author on ” The Living Church: Revisiting Vatican II .” Here’s a taste: “Before and after”—that gets to the heart of most of the disputes about the council. Up through the 1980s, self-identified liberals routinely spoke of the “pre-Vatican II . . . . Continue Reading »

Fundamentalism and Fascism

Michael Potemra tells us that in Bernard-Henri Levy’s forthcoming book Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism , there is an interesting line from the journals of Paul Claudel. On May 21, 1935, Claudel wrote, “Hitler’s speech: a kind of Islamism is being created at . . . . Continue Reading »

De Linguae Latinae Causa

Salve Iosephe , Litterae de lingua latina scripta in Res Primae accipio tuus qui post-electronica fero. Ut praeclarissimus magister Mantuae dixit, ut mihi iam verum videatur illud esse quod non nulli litteris ac studiis doctrinae dediti quasi quiddam incredibile dicere putabantur. Promoveo linguam . . . . Continue Reading »

More Proof of Need for Animal Research

As if it were really needed, here is further proof that animal research is absolutely necessary to the alleviation of human suffering and finding treatments for terrible afflictions: Scientsts have been able to recreate Alzheimer’s disease in mouse models which will permit the affliction to be . . . . Continue Reading »

Still More Obama

In an inspired synthesis of my previous two posts —or what would have been an inspired synthesis, if he hadn’t actually written the piece first—Michael Knox Beran (writing for City Journal ) argues that Senator Obama is the “post-masculine” version of the collectivist . . . . Continue Reading »


After you read our own essay about the “unshakable optimist,” of course! From Edward Ericson, coeditor of The Solzhenitsyn Reader , here is an excellent reflection on the cultural truth-telling of the great man. A taste: One of the exaggerations that many cultural sophisticates hold . . . . Continue Reading »



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