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The Almost Perfect Murder

The first story to give me a healthy Augustinian appreciation of human depravity when I was a boy was the infamous murder of Bobby Franks committed by Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb. When I finally got around to reading Nietzsche, the crime came to symbolize the natural outcome of proud striving . . . . Continue Reading »

Who’s on First?

Over at the Wall Street Journal , Ian Johnson has written an interesting article on the ranking of countries competing in the Olympics. Not surprisingly, figuring out who is actually winning is no easy task: Despite all the high-tech clocks, cameras and sensors, the Olympics still can’t give . . . . Continue Reading »

The End of Old Bavaria?

If The Economist is to be trusted , Bavaria gives the lie to the secularist story of modernity, according to which man has only achieved health, wealth, and education in proportion as he has cast off the fetters of religion and tradition. This deeply traditional and still strongly Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »

Alas, the Decline of the Atlas

Ryan has a point. Ever since online companies have attempted to improve upon reference books by making them up-to-the-minute online resources, they risk the quality of the information it’s their job to supply, while trying to keep their info-hungry readers satisfied. This is particularly a . . . . Continue Reading »



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