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Holy Matrimony

Earlier I posted a note about our junior fellow Stefan McDaniel’s essay on friendship in the magazine Dappled Things . As I was reading the new issue yesterday, I came across an artful poem by Roger Mitchell that employs the metaphor of barrel-making to describe marriage: Holy Matrimony . . . . Continue Reading »

Bibles Confiscated in China

A small group of U.S. evangelists have had their Bibles confiscated at an airport in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming—and they’re not leaving without them. Chinese officials say it’s illegal to bring into the country printed religious material beyond that required for . . . . Continue Reading »

East is East and West is West

A notice in the New York Times on Saturday: Correction: August 16, 2008. An article on Friday about the planned construction of two large solar power installations in California described incorrectly the operation of the solar panels in one, to be built by SunPower. Its panels pivot from east to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Grace of Defeat

America’s best hope for a medal in boxing, Demetrius Andrade, the reigning welterweight world champ was upset in a quaterfinal bout on Sunday . After the fight Andrade exhibited astonishingly poor sportsmanship by leaving the ring before the referee announced the official decision. So it was . . . . Continue Reading »

Zucker Gores Moore

So just when you thought the right was left behind when it came to big-budget Hollywood satire, along comes David Zucker of Airplane! and Naked Gun fame to poke a little fun at none other than multimillionaire mockumentarian Michael Moore. It’s called An American Carol and stars Kelsey . . . . Continue Reading »



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