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Locking the Library

My friend Stanley Kurtz writes about being locked out of the special collections at the library of the University of Illinois in Chicago. He’d attempted to look at open records of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, as part of his quest to determine the connections between ex-Weatherman Bill . . . . Continue Reading »

Say It Ain’t So

National Review is reporting that officials in the McCain campaign are calling state Republican officials around the country to gauge how much support they would lose if McCain named a pro-choice politician as his vice-presidential running mate. National Review ‘s editorial today lays out . . . . Continue Reading »

“Thy Canonized Bones”

The saga of uncovering Shakespeare’s religion continues with Joseph Pierce’s new book, The Quest for Shakespeare , and Robert Miola’s recent FT review, now available to non-subscribers. The tension runs high on both sides: At a conceptual level The Quest for Shakespeare repeatedly . . . . Continue Reading »

When Does Human Life Begin?

Dr. Hymie Gordon (Mayo Clinic): “By all criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception.” Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth (Harvard University Medical School): “It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at . . . . Continue Reading »

Among The Dead

In keeping with our journal’s spirit of unremitting morbidity , I spent this past Saturday morning in a graveyard. This was no ordinary graveyard, mind you, but Princeton Cemetery , which has been called the “Westminster Abbey of the United States.” Dozens of luminaries, including . . . . Continue Reading »

Newman Lecture Series

Starting Monday, September 8, Fr. Joseph W. Koterski, S.J., will be giving a series of seven lectures on the life and works of John Henry Cardinal Newman, with a special focus on his An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent . The lectures are from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the undercroft of the Church of . . . . Continue Reading »

Save the World!

” Save the world! Stop having children! Such was the rather drastic solution to the problem of climate change proposed in an editorial in the prestigious British Medical Journal , no less, the other day.” As The Independent goes on to note , the paranoia of overpopulation is nothing . . . . Continue Reading »

Kind of…

Walking in the underground tunnel between Times Square and Port Authority, I overheard a conversation between a father and his young son as they passed a man handing out literature on the “hard facts” of heaven and hell: Son: Daddy, what’s hell? Father: Well, it’s a place . . . . Continue Reading »



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