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Martian Speculation

My friend John Wilson, the editor of Books & Culture , knows about my recent obsession with Mars , and so he asked me to review a science-fiction book about a flight to the planet, which I was glad to do. I’m not sure, however, that he was glad to receive the review, since I used it as an . . . . Continue Reading »

Desert Flowers

I’ve been reading Willa Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop , struck by the austere beauty of the landscape she paints: In all his travels, the Bishop had seen no country like this. From the flat red sea of sand rose great rock mesas, generally Gothic in outline, resembling vast . . . . Continue Reading »

Shea Stands Aloof

The ever-lively and independent Mark Shea explains his refusal to vote for either major presidential candidate thus : Millions of babies will be killed whichever of these guys is elected. One will zealously try to make sure the maximum number die in sacrifice to the Culture of Adult Desire. The . . . . Continue Reading »

The Reign of Robert Mugabe

Upon the occasion of Zimbabwe’s independence, Bob Marley wrote a song unimaginatively titled “Zimbabwe.” Marley may not have been the sage many of his fans take him for, but Zimbabwe’s post-independence decline into bloody tyranny makes these lines from the song seem . . . . Continue Reading »

British Social Conservatism Revived?

A great comfort to many of my socially liberal interlocutors in college bull-sessions was the seemingly inevitable leftward drift of Western Europe, reflected in the increasing permissiveness of elected officials across the political spectrum. But The Economist says that Britain’s Tories may . . . . Continue Reading »

Witness for Life

Here’s another event in the New York area that you might consider attending. Starting on September 6, on the first Saturday of every month, there will be Witness for Life, an event sponsored by The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants with the help of the Sisters of Life and the Friars of . . . . Continue Reading »



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