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Palin & Abortion

Well, Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech seems to have been rapturously received among conservatives. So much so, that you don’t have to go far to find sneering comments about Palin’s delivery of “red meat” to the conservative base. Here’s the curious thing, though: . . . . Continue Reading »

Julian Barnes Faces Death

In yesterday’s daily article , R.R. Reno describes Simon Critchley’s treatment of death as typically postmodern posturing. It projects a “self-congratulating honesty that protests against old hypocrisies and evasions—all in close conjunction with a winking lack of seriousness . . . . Continue Reading »

Killing for Organs: More Analysis

I have written from time to time about the drive within some in the organ transplantation and bioethics communities to do away with the dead donor rule in order to permit patients to be killed for their organs. I expand on that in this article published in the Center for Bioethics newsletter. From . . . . Continue Reading »

Phelps the Philanthropist

This past August, the world watched Michael Phelps become the greatest Olympian of all time, securing for himself eight gold medals and a place in the record books for most all-time gold medals and most gold medals in a single Olympics. It appears , however, that Phelps is not content with mere . . . . Continue Reading »

The Visceral Hatred for Sarah Palin

Mark Shea does a nice job showing the left’s visceral hatred and fear of everything Sarah Palin stands for. It’s not what she thinks, but who she is. I noted this the other night at a barbecue with a friend from college and some of the folks she’d met in her year in New York. When . . . . Continue Reading »

Progress At Last

Who says the animosity of the Culture Wars has made it impossible for us to find common ground? As “Diogenes” at Catholic World News observes , publications like the New York Times and the Boston Globe have lately become intensely worried about teenage pregnancy and even nervous about . . . . Continue Reading »

I Was a Teenage Darwinist

I was surfing the television a few nights ago and came across something on EWTN that really irked me. It was an embarrassingly stupid show called “I was a Teenage Darwinist.” It featured some mountebank striding up and down in front of an audience, wisecracking and sneering at Darwinism . . . . Continue Reading »

A Vote for Sarah Palin

Has everyone read ” A Vote for Sarah Palin ,” the Daily Article here at First Things this morning? I’m not sure what to make of the nomination and would be interested in your thoughts. Email us here . . . . . Continue Reading »

When Galaxies Collide …

Discovery News reports that the Hubble Space Telescope has captured images of a collision between two distant galaxy clusters. The crash occurred at such a high rate of speed that dark matter could actually be seen separating from ordinary matter: The images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and . . . . Continue Reading »



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