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Reminder: Witness for Life

Just a reminder that this Saturday begins the monthly Witness for Life rallies in New York City. The schedule is: 8:00am Mass at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral (263 Mulberry St.—enter at Mott St.) 8:45am Rosary Procession to Planned Parenthood (26 Bleeker St.) Silent prayer there. 10:15am . . . . Continue Reading »

The Audacity of Faith

Adding to the high number of personal attacks Gov. Palin has received since she was announced as Sen. McCain’s pick—and not just standard allegations of inexperience or discrepancies in her record, but personal jabs such as those that have been made against her as a woman and mother . . . . Continue Reading »

RE: Palin & Abortion

I’m not sure why no one believes that I mean the actual words I write , but all I said was that the “red meat” talking point of the anti-Palin press was wrong: She didn’t mention the word abortion in her speech last night. Yes, the picture she presented was pro-life: . . . . Continue Reading »

Advocating for Special Needs Children

I wasn’t going to opine about Governor Sarah Palin’s speech, but I think one comment deserves highlighting: Having given birth to Trig, who has Down syndrome, Palin said:Sometimes even the greatest joys bring challenge. And children with special needs inspire a special love.To the . . . . Continue Reading »

Mrs. Palin and the Chattering Classes

The visceral hatred so many of my peers from elite universities feel for Sarah Palin does not come from mere snobbish revulsion at her association with backwoods culture, with mooseburgers and ATVs. Many of us who exulted over last night’s electrifying speech have little in common with her, . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Palin & Abortion

I have to disagree , Joseph. Sarah Palin didn’t talk about abortion , and I don’t think she needed to. And it’s not just because everybody already knows her pro-life position (thanks, if nothing else, to the media’s harrumphing on that count), nor was it because she . . . . Continue Reading »

Rhetorical Flourish

At the Democratic convention, Bill Clinton declaimed that the world is more impressed “by the power of America’s example than by the example of America’s power.” At the Republican convention, Sarah Palin declared, “In politics, there are some candidates who use change . . . . Continue Reading »



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