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The French Smell Fraud

Scientologists in France can’t seem to catch a break : A French judge has ordered two departments and seven prominent members of the Church of Scientology in France to stand trial on charges of organized fraud, a judicial source said on Monday. The case is the latest in a series of legal . . . . Continue Reading »


In the New Republic , Leon Wieseltier writes an essay he titles ” Against Integrity .” It starts with various swipes at Republican hypocrisy, but then moves to this point: the truth is that Sarah Palin is a woman of integrity. I do not say this sardonically. I find nothing phony in her, . . . . Continue Reading »

Can You Spot the Differences?

At , Juan Cole asks what the differences between Christian fundamentalists, like Sarah Palin, and Islamic fundamentalists are? Lipstick is the answer he finds. That she’s not wearing a burka or having her daughter flogged and stoned for adultery might be another. But those are about . . . . Continue Reading »

Hurricane Sarah Continues to Blow

Never has a vice presidential selection caused such a firestorm of con and pro—or generated what can only be called hatred in some of her opponents. The conservative columnist Mona Charen thinks, as I do, that a lot of this is about Trig: From her column:Something about Sarah Palin set them . . . . Continue Reading »

Alexander Pruss

If you like philosophy, then boy do I have a blog for you. Alexander Pruss, the unnervingly brilliant Professor at Baylor University, has for some time now been treating the world to his rigorous ruminations. Pruss is, from one point of view, a philosopher in the style of the eighteenth century: a . . . . Continue Reading »

“All seemed new”

The Birth of Mary (The Life of the Virgin Mary, 1912) How must the angels have struggled not to erupt in praises, like one might erupt in tears, the minute they knew that tonight would be born the mother, who’d soon bear the son. Wind a-flapping they held their tongues pointing the direction . . . . Continue Reading »

All in a Day’s Work

Last winter, Sarah Palin “had this penchant for really beautiful scarves,” recalls the woman who works down the hall in Anchorage. She was beginning her third trimester, and artfully concealing it from her colleagues and constituents. Maternity clothes can be cute, but Sarah . . . . Continue Reading »

Furry Little Heads

You gotta love the Times of London. Here’s the lede for their recent article on the hometown of the Republicans’ vice-presidential candidate: At the age of 10, Sarah Palin got her very own bunny rabbit. Which means to say that she crouched down in the grass outside her family home, . . . . Continue Reading »

One Body, Mourning

I lost two friends from home in a car accident over the weekend. I played baseball with one and graduated with the other. They were a part of my childhood. They were a part of my memories growing up in a small town in Missouri. My first reaction to the news was one of anger and confusion. Here I . . . . Continue Reading »



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