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In Memory

Today, on the seventh anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, countless Americans across the country will sorrowfully remember those who lost their lives. Today, the presidential candidates are taking a moment of silence, so to speak, from their campaigns to participate in a memorial event . . . . Continue Reading »

Vote Your Conscience

“Responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation.” —The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” New from Grassroots Films is a powerful short film, The Catholic Vote . “Vote . . . . Continue Reading »

An Unlikely Civil Rights Leader

We’ve heard a lot during this election season about the historic nature of the contest—and the contestants. At first it was either Hillary or Obama—the first female nominee or the first black nominee. Now it’s either Palin or Obama—the first female Vice President or the . . . . Continue Reading »

Building Castles

The Interior Castle has been lauded as the “most sublime and mature” of Teresa of Avila’s works, one which “expresses the full flowering of her deep experience in guiding souls toward spiritual perfection.” Rereading some passages this morning, I was struck not by the . . . . Continue Reading »

“Officially Ridiculous”

Kathryn Jean Lopez at National Review Online calls our attention to Congressman Steve Cohen (Democrat, Tennessee) who has taken to the floor of the House of Representatives to persuade us to vote for Senator Obama. Senator Obama you see was, like Jesus, a community organizer. Pontius Pilate, on the . . . . Continue Reading »

Against Politics

If Barack Obama loses the presidential election, some say , the youth will never get over it. They will lose faith in politics. This prediction is meant to be grim, but I think it among the better reasons to hope Barack Obama loses. Not to trade in tired truisms, but I must repeat what seems to me . . . . Continue Reading »

Aurel Fixation

While I’m recommending philosophers , I should make a particularly enthusiastic plug for Aurel Kolnai . Kolnai was a Hungarian-Jewish Wunderkind who converted to Catholicism under the influence of G.K. Chesterton. He then proceeded to hop erratically around the western world, publishing . . . . Continue Reading »

Science as Religion

The concept of science as religion is apparently growing. In Berkeley, a new “temple to the religion of science” is soon to open. From the New Scientist story:“Praise be to Darwin! We are gathered here today to give thanks to those scientists who have given us something to sustain . . . . Continue Reading »



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