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“Beyond Understanding”

Worth reading, today, are these two pieces from the archives. “Strange beyond understanding,” is how Fr. Neuhaus initially described September 11. Seven years later, that is no less true: September 11. This is written the day after, just under the deadline for this issue. For years to . . . . Continue Reading »

Futile Care Dehydration Stopped in Alaska

The Alliance Defense Fund, which helped save Jesse Ramirez’s life, has won another one, at least for now. From its press release: On May 16, the patient’s husband filed the suit P.C. v. K. against the hospital and a doctor in order to keep the medical staff from removing his wife’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Pitbull-Teacher Association

Last week I said that politics was a practical affair, for which people with ordinary practical experience were usually better qualified than theoreticians. The upshot was that Sarah Palin’s past as a mother and PTA member was nothing to sniff at. This Mail Online article on the PTA suggests . . . . Continue Reading »

Educated Lawyers

Over at the law professors’ blog, the Volokh Conspiracy , they’re discussing the question of why political donations from lawyers are running so strongly in favor of Obama. One commentator offers this explanation, “Could it be that most highly educated people agree with Obama, are . . . . Continue Reading »

Biden and Brokaw

Yesterday we read Yuval Levin fault Sen. Biden for conflating theology with biology when it comes to the morality of abortion and the beginning of human life. GetReligon ‘s Mollie, however, also criticizes Tom Brokaw for missing the opportunity to talk about Biden’s faith in a more . . . . Continue Reading »

A Second Anne Hutchinson?

Sally Quinn—and what made the Washington Post imagine this gossip columnist was an expert on American religion?— points out the hypocrisy of conservative Protestants both promoting male headship and cheering for Sarah Palin. To which Helen Rittelmeyer replies the answer is easy: Sarah . . . . Continue Reading »



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