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Is Pornography Adultery?

Last January we published Jason Byasee’s ” Not Your Father’s Pornography .” This week, another FT contributor, Ross Douthat, has a piece at the Atlantic (where he is a senior editor) asking whether using pornography is adultery . The piece catalogs the rise not only in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Palin the Theocrat and Non-Woman

Michael Gerson in this morning’s Washington Post takes on the Faith-Based Condescension in the intellectual and media elites’ criticism of Gov. Sarah Palin. “Palin is portrayed as a ‘theocrat’—a Muslim fundamentalist in lipstick. She has ‘a right to her . . . . Continue Reading »

“You honey-fuggling malt-worm!”

From last week’s issue of the Times Literary Supplement , comes this amusing note on words and wordiness: “Each reissue of a dictionary is accompanied by a press release intended to alert journalists to new words and phrases. While some are likely to stick around . . . most will whither . . . . Continue Reading »

Religion’s Role

In today’s Daily Article , Fr. Neuhaus offers us a fine reflection on the nature of religious freedom in America. By coincidence, Benedict XVI also reflects today on religious freedom (in France) as he begins his pilgrimage to Paris and Lourdes: Describing himself as a “sower of charity . . . . Continue Reading »

Howard Kurtz Says Media "Getting Angry"

Howard Kurtz, who has the media beat for the Washington Post (and who I know; nice guy), says the media are getting angry about the McCain/Palin campaign. “Getting?” He says it is because the rucus made about pigs and lipstick. Baloney. As I have noted here at SHS, I think they have been . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: “Beyond Understanding”

Thanks, Amanda, for posting those links to the pieces in First Things on 9/11. I remember reading them at the time, and revisiting them again was instructive. Today I came across a homily that was preached seven years ago and subsequently published in the Wall Street Journal . I hadn’t seen . . . . Continue Reading »

Let’s Stay Together

Rev. Hot Pants is only one sign that the Anglican communion is in a bit of trouble. Even casual readers will know that Anglicans have spent the past several years trying to avert an all-too-possible schism between the moral and theological “liberals” and the “conservatives.” . . . . Continue Reading »



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