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Campaigning for Credits

University of Massachusetts Chaplain Kenneth Higgins, who sought to give students school credit for campaigning for Obama, has been denied . Higgins told students last week: If you’re scared about the prospects for this election, you’re not alone. The most important way to make a . . . . Continue Reading »

Google Irony

Last week, we read about the twenty-year-old college student who was able to access Gov. Sarah Palin’s email account using information he culled from Google. In an interesting turn of events , federal investigators have now revealed that the culprit, David Kernell, son of Democratic state . . . . Continue Reading »

The Other Fall

I love this sonnet by Robert Frost, capturing something of an autumnal wistfulness. He begins with a straightforward, almost flat statement, “There is a singer everyone had heard,” but his description of the oven bird’s plain chirrup soon wafts into evocative paradox: “On . . . . Continue Reading »

“Ignorant and easily led …”

Some years back, the Washington Post editorial board apologized for an editorial calling evangelical Christians “poor, ignorant, and easily led.” Good thing, too. Writing in the Wall Street Journal , Mollie Ziegler Hemingway reports : From Hollywood to the academy, nonbelievers are . . . . Continue Reading »

The Intellectual War on Terrorism

Many Baby Boomers have noted that, from an intellectual point of view, the American national response to Islamic radicalism has been shockingly sluggish and uninspired, especially as compared with the vast mobilization of the Cold War. After the Sputnik embarrassment, for instance, the entire math . . . . Continue Reading »

Apologize to Darwin

Reuters brings us the latest in the ongoing quest to conflate the news so readers don’t have to: ” Evolution fine but no apology to Darwin: Vatican ” The Vatican said on Tuesday the theory of evolution was compatible with the Bible but planned no posthumous apology to Charles . . . . Continue Reading »

Church in Amsterdam?

A subscriber writes to ask if I know any good churches in Amsterdam. The answer, unfortunately, is no. Does anyone else have an idea? Beautiful old churches to visit—likely, I imagine, to be Dutch Reformed? And a good church at which to attend a Catholic Mass? Email here if you have a . . . . Continue Reading »



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