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“Eyelashes Like a Cow”

Nepal’s latest goddess is a six-year-old named Shreeya. She has “eyelashes like a cow” and “a voice as soft and clear as a duck.” Her aides add that she is “fond of biscuits and rice.” She will be isolated in a house and worshiped “until the onset of . . . . Continue Reading »

Terrifying: She Reads Lewis

In her column yesterday, Washington Post ‘s Ruth Marcus argues for why having Sarah Palin in high public office is a “terrifying prospect.” Marcus’s specific complaint is that Palin, in her interview with Katie Couric, said that the way she has understood the world is not . . . . Continue Reading »

Helping the Heartbroken

Yesterday, I read this article covering of an organization dedicated to give comfort to mothers and families mourning the death of a newborn. It’s a remarkably moving story: A white rose hanging outside the doorway tells nurses that the family in this one room of the maternity ward at Inova . . . . Continue Reading »

The Church of Obama

I had heard of the messianism surrounding Barack Obama, but I didn’t think anyone would start an actual church. Then a friend tuned me into Sing for Change . According to their website: Sing for Change chronicles a recent Sunday afternoon, when 22 children, ages 5-12, gathered to sing . . . . Continue Reading »

Theology in the City

The Dominicans at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer in New York have announced a series of lectures on theology for the coming months. Those in the area might be interested in the offerings: To believe well one must first reason well. This is the lesson of St. Thomas Aquinas. Consequently, faith . . . . Continue Reading »

When Cures Become Too Costly

Here’s some troubling news from the Wall Street Journal : In a striking shift, Pfizer Inc. will abandon efforts to develop medicines for heart disease, as part of a broad research reshuffling it announced Tuesday. Pfizer will be leaving a field that includes its cholesterol-lowering drug . . . . Continue Reading »



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