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Mother Teresa’s Amicus Curae

In the Sunday bulletin at Church of Our Saviour there was a good quotation from Mother Teresa on the topic of abortion and human rights. I discovered that the quotation came from an amicus brief that she filed for the cases of Loce v. New Jersey and Krail et al. v. New Jersey in February 1994. The . . . . Continue Reading »

The Trouble With Experts

As I write these words, the stock markets around the world are tanking in the wake of a nearly trillion dollar bailout that the experts designed to prevent this very collapse. Oops.Financial issues are not what we do here, but I think there is an aspect of the financial crisis . . . . Continue Reading »

Medicare Says No to Paying for Mistakes

The next time a surgeon accidentally leaves a sponge inside a patient or a nurse administers the wrong type of blood in a transfusion, Medicare and the taxpayer will no longer pay to clean up the mess: Medicare, the government insurance program for the elderly and disabled, will stop paying . . . . Continue Reading »

Iran’s Bob Dylan

In an article “Iran’s ‘Bob Dylan’ Under Fire Over Qu’ran Song,” Radio Farda reports that Mohsen Namjoo, Iran’s most popular, and controversial, musician, has provoked the wrath of  “Qu’ran experts and religious figures” who say . . . . Continue Reading »



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