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Al Smith Dinner

These clips, if you haven’t seen them, are really pretty funny . I’m not sure that Obama was as sincerely amused by the wisecracks as he was obliged to seem. But it’s possible that he was—graciousness is a luxury clear front-runners can well afford. . . . . Continue Reading »

The LHC Rap Song

Recently I undertook to explain on the First Things website what the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC ) is all about. This rap song made by some particle physicists at CERN (the European science center where the LHC is) says the same things in a slightly different way . . . . . Continue Reading »

Miller to Klein to Rogers—Double Play!

There was an excellent discussion on Delaware public television on the subject of Joe Biden, Catholic teaching on abortion, and Catholic voters. The three panelists were Prof. Robert T. Miller of Villanova University School of Law, Fr. Leonard Klein of the Catholic diocese of Wilmington, and Prof. . . . . Continue Reading »

Google on the Brain

The relationship between technology and intelligence has been getting a lot of press lately. Back in August, Nathaniel Peters wrote about an article in The Atlantic which asked if Google is making us stupid. In the latest issue of First Things , Sally Thomas explains how, due to the way in which . . . . Continue Reading »

Marx Redivivus

Well, here we go again. The markets stumble after fifty years of astonishing prosperity and the wild-eyed Marxist prophets immediately emerge from hiding. Now I’m not going to indulge in vulgar polemics against Marx, whom I consider an epochal genius, but I think The Guardian ends on just the . . . . Continue Reading »

God in the Dock

A district court judge in Nebraska has thrown out a suit by state senator Ernie Chambers against God. According to the Omaha World-Herald (via the New York Times ), “Chambers had sued God in September 2007, seeking a permanent injunction to prevent God from committing acts of violence such as . . . . Continue Reading »

Sicilian Tomb Discovered

University of British Columbia archeologists have discovered an ancient tomb inside a Sicilian house dating from the sixth century. The find is unusual not only because the burial took place inside of a house instead of a public space, but also because the burial ceremony appears to have had an . . . . Continue Reading »

The Pope on Exegesis and Theology

For the 1988 Erasmus Lecture, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger gave a speech entitled “Biblical Interpretation in Crisis,” in which he argued that “the exegete must realize that he does not stand in some neutral area, above or outside history and the Church.” Addressing the synod . . . . Continue Reading »



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