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American Suicide Rates Increasing

American suicide rates are increasing. From the story:The rate of suicide in the United States is increasing for the first time in a decade, according to a new report from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Center for Injury Research and Policy. The increase in the overall . . . . Continue Reading »

A Modern-Day Martyr

From today’s Independent : Gayle Williams worked with the poorest and most unfortunate of the children in Afghanistan, young boys and girls who had lost limbs to landmines and bombs. She was dedicated to her task of teaching them the basic skills needed to survive in a harsh and violent land. . . . . Continue Reading »

Contemplation of the Eternal

Robert Royal reflects here on the limited importance of book-learning: [We should get rid of the idea that] a superficial understanding of sacred things is an advance over longstanding practices that directly confront the evils we find in ourselves and in a fallen world. On the very first page of . . . . Continue Reading »

Biden Does It Again

During an interview conducted in April 2007 but published in the Wilmington News-Journal for the first time yesterday, Joe Biden was asked how he reconciles his Catholic faith with his position on Roe v. Wade : It’s very difficult. I was raised as a Catholic, I’m a practicing Catholic, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Death of Debating America

Mark Oppenheimer at the Wall Street Journal mourns the death of the practice of real debate in America: It used to be that high-school and college debates mirrored, in a salutary way, political debates. In school, young men and women learned to research topics and then debate their rivals, using . . . . Continue Reading »



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