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Parrot Personhood?

We get stories like this from time-to-time: There was Washoe the chimp who could supposedly converse intelligently through sign language that turned out to be training and subtle prompts. And now, a researcher has written a book about her claims that a parrot named Alex the parrot had the . . . . Continue Reading »

Rahm Emanuel on the Iraq War

President-Elect Obama has named Rahm Emanuel to be his Chief of Staff, perhaps the most important single figure in his inner circle. In January 2005 Representative Emanuel was interviewed by the late Tim Russert, and asked about the Iraq war. MR. RUSSERT: You voted—you said you would have . . . . Continue Reading »

God in Auschwitz

“As powerful as anything you’ll encounter on the stage or big screen this year,” wrote Anthony Sacramone earlier this week, reviewing God on Trial , a “compelling and disturbing television drama to broadcast on PBS stations Sunday, November 9.” It opens with a bus . . . . Continue Reading »

Sing to the Lord a New Song

Today’s Wall Street Journal profiles “The Priests”, a trio of priests from Northern Ireland that is releasing an album of sacred vocal music with Sony BMG later this month: . . . they’ve been navigating an unusual path between piety and pop culture. With the help of . . . . Continue Reading »

Pig Organs for Humans Coming?

We have an organ shortage that desperately needs ameliorating. With such pressing needs, some wish to bend or even break important ethical rules by, for example, obliterating the dead donor rule so that people can be killed for their organs.We can’t go down that road, but if it works, we can . . . . Continue Reading »

Douthat on Kmiec

Slate is conducting an online discussion on the future of conservatism, titled The Conservative Crackup with contributions from Tucker Carlson, Ross Douthat, Douglas Kmiec, Jim Manzi, and Christine Todd Whitman. Kmiec weighs in with, “The Not-So-Grand, Really-Old-Idea Party” and Douthat . . . . Continue Reading »



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