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Times and Tastes, Then and Now

A Man for All Seasons received a yawning review from the New York Times when it opened on Broadway this fall. But, poking around in the NYT archives, I received a lesson in changing times and tastes. Maybe more than tastes . . . Then (1961): “A Man for All Seasons” is written with . . . . Continue Reading »

The Failure of Conservatism

If you haven’t yet read P.J. O’Rourke’s extended rant in the Weekly Standard , you should . “We Blew It” is the title and about sums it up: An entire generation has been born, grown up, and had families of its own since Ronald Reagan was elected. And where is the world . . . . Continue Reading »

School Choice for Me, But Not for Thee

Jay Mathews writing in this morning’s Washington Post reflects on A Crucial Decision for the Obamas: Private or Public? “Like many parents moving their children to Washington, Barack and Michelle Obama will be told to avoid D.C. public schools. Is that good advice?” Mathews is . . . . Continue Reading »

Ave Maria through the Ages

“In praise, there is the speaking forth of one confessing; in singing, the affection of one loving.” So wrote St. Augustine, in a line often paraphrased as “Singing is praying twice.” And as Pope Benedict added in his recent address at the Collège des Bernardins in . . . . Continue Reading »

Fight the Good Fight

Last Friday, it was reported that the USCCB had dropped plans to discuss abortion and politics at the Fall General Assembly this week in Baltimore. Now, it looks like the bishops will address the topic after all: Another bishop who requested anonymity, confirmed to CNA that the bishops will not . . . . Continue Reading »

Life With Dignity

Today on our homepage you’ll find Wesley Smith’s essay on euthanasia, commenting on its win in Washington this month. If you’re hungry for more bioethics and haven’t read it already, be sure to read Joseph Bottum and Ryan T. Anderson’s ” Stem Cells: A Political . . . . Continue Reading »



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