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Thomas Aquinas, pro-life warrior

The Dominicans report that one of their own has helped convert one of Serbia’s most notorious abortionists into an advocate for the unborn. The whole story is worth reading, but the critical part involves the appearance of a certain Angelic Doctor: In describing his conversion, Adasevic . . . . Continue Reading »

Web Search Trends Follow the Flu

Apparently, Google has figured out a way to track flu outbreaks faster than the CDC: There is a new common symptom of the flu, in addition to the usual aches, coughs, fevers and sore throats. Turns out a lot of ailing Americans enter phrases like “flu symptoms” into Google and other . . . . Continue Reading »

It’s About Time

The Roman Catholic Church is cutting off funds to the community organizing group ACORN, citing complaints over its voter registration drives in the November 4 election as part of the reason. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development froze its contributions to the group in June amid allegations . . . . Continue Reading »



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