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Precocious Palate

Man, this kid is enough to throw you into a quarter-life crisis. When I was twelve my discerning tastes didn’t extend much beyond various forms of sugar and processed cheese. But, looking at young Mr. Fishman’s shoulders, I’m consoled by the thought that I totally could have . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Notes on the Music Front

Britain’s Daily Telegraph is reporting that the Chinese are beginning to put the kibosh on performances of classical music with Christian themes. A performance of the Mozart Requiem by the Sinfonica Orchestra di Roma intended for the main square of the city of Dujiangyn (where thousands were . . . . Continue Reading »

One Way to Avoid Traffic Accidents

I shouldn’t laugh, because these two prayer intentions are actually quite serious. But what an ironic combo. The following came to me via my daily dose of Vatican gossip: VATICAN CITY, 16 NOV 2008 - After praying the Angelus this morning, the Pope recalled the fact that 21 November, the . . . . Continue Reading »

World’s Earliest Nuclear Family Found

Lest anyone think that the nuclear family is some sort of recent, artificial construct, ScienceDaily reports : The earliest evidence of a nuclear family, dating back to the Stone Age, has been uncovered by an international team of researchers, including experts from the University of Bristol. The . . . . Continue Reading »

"Brain Dead" Boy "Dies"

The case of M.B., the 12-year-old boy whose Orthodox Jewish parents sought to have his life support continued after he was declared dead by neurological criteria, is over. From the story: The boy had already been declared brain dead, but some adherents of Jewish religious law say death occurs only . . . . Continue Reading »

Hate for 8

From the instructive, if often sobering, weekly newsletter of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy come these two news stories : Proposition 8, California’s newly passed constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union between one man and one woman, is being fiercely challenged . . . . Continue Reading »

“Wild Speculation is a Sin”

That’s what Archbishop Marx of Munich said to the Spiegel last month when he sat down to talk about the financial crisis, the future of capitalism, and Marxism. The whole interview is worth a read, but here are a few passages, roughly translated by yours truly: We have to ask the simple . . . . Continue Reading »



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