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Life on Google

Here’s some cool news for all the photo lovers out there. Life Magazine and Google have announced that the internet company plans to scan and place all of the 10 million images in Life ‘s archives online and make them available for free. Two million images from the archive, some dating . . . . Continue Reading »

Proposition 8 Update

California’s Proposition 8, which defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman, is under a barrage of protest and legal scrutiny. As I mentioned earlier this week, it will likely come before the state Supreme Court, who will rule on its constitutionality. But, you might object, . . . . Continue Reading »

Can Biotechnology be Controlled?

Comment Visions, an international on-line debate forum, asked my view on the following question: Biotechnology has been hailed as the wonder industry of the 21st Century, but are we capable of controlling it?Here is my reply:Biotechnology offers tremendous promise and peril. The peril arises, in my . . . . Continue Reading »

More Adult Stem-Cell Success

Today, the BBC has some good news to report in the field of adult stem-cell research. A woman in Spain has successfully received a new windpipe after doctors coated the donated trachea with cells made from the patient’s own body: Five months on, the patient, thirty-year-old mother-of-two . . . . Continue Reading »



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