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In the Bathtub

My friend Fr. Aquinas Guilbeau, O.P. has more on Advent hymns at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer’s blog , including lovely recordings. Here’s a slight digression in the conversation about hymns. At some point in high school or college you learn the trick of putting the phrase “in . . . . Continue Reading »

Authors in Their Own Words

In the past year, I’ve enjoyed finding recordings of authors reading their own material online. Some voices sound the way I expected— Tolkein’s , for example—and some did not— Lewis’ , for example. I can’t say I expected Chesterton to sound the way he did, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Mourning in Jerusalem

The six Jews killed in the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India last week were buried today in Israel: Amid heart-rending scenes, thousands of tearful Israeli mourners on Tuesday bid an emotional farewell to the six Jews killed in the Mumbai terror attacks, including the parents of the two-year-old . . . . Continue Reading »

A Light in the Darkness?

A religious goods company in Rhode Island finds the suffering economy isn’t causing a loss in its sales but a spike. “When times are tough, more people seem to go to church,” said Brian Cavanagh, the chief executive officer of Cavanagh Co. He said sales of the company’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Abortion Changes You

“We made the decision together but I’ve never felt so alone.” That is just one testimony from a woman suffering post-abortive pains, on the new website . The site is not designed to offer counseling, nor to compile pro-life or pro-choice arguments and . . . . Continue Reading »

Turkey Cold

The cold and flu season has officially begun , as many of us—myself included—know all too well. If the sniffles have you down and you’re looking for a place to direct your frustrations, a new study published in the Journal of General Virology suggests that much of the blame can be . . . . Continue Reading »

The King Shall Come

On the topic of Advent hymns and carols , here’s “The King Shall Come” by Michael Linton, a frequent FT contributor. The piece is conducted by Mary Hopper at the Wheaton Illinois Christmas Festival. . . . . Continue Reading »



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