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Tabloid Voyerism Comes to Assisted Suicide

Media is so pornographic these days, and not just about matters sexual. A Brit tabloid has published photos from an assisted suicide, depictions taken from a soon-to-be-aired television show. From the story:It will be the first time an assisted suicide has been shown on British TV and will be sure . . . . Continue Reading »

A Scientific Sarah

A seventy-year-old woman has given birth in India, becoming the world’s “newest oldest mom”: To Bishnoi [the couple’s fertility doctor], it’s a triumph over ignorant fatalism and prejudice. “The couple said they were facing social stigma for being childless for . . . . Continue Reading »

NHS Meltdown: Not Enough Emergency Docs

And the tales of medical woe continue to mount in the UK as the NHS collapses. Now, there is a serious shortage of emergency room doctors. From the story:The College of Emergency Medicine has issued a report calling for the number of A&E consultants must double within three years in order to . . . . Continue Reading »

Chanticleer at Christmas

Every year, Chanticleer , an all-male a cappella group, sings in front of the Christmas tree in the medieval sculpture court at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I was able to go last Thursday and had the most fun at a concert that I’ve had in a long time, maybe ever. The concert was a mix of . . . . Continue Reading »

Grand Duke of Luxembourg’s Address

I have been asked whether there is a campaign to support Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg for his refusal to be complicit in the legalization of euthanasia in his country, and if so, what the address is to support him. I believe there is such a campaign. But the only address I have at the moment is . . . . Continue Reading »

Changing Tides for US–Vatican Relations

On January 19 Mary Ann Glendon, Harvard law professors and former FT board member, will be leaving her post as US ambassador to the Vatican. At just over a year, her term will be the shortest ever for this position, but thanks to her wisdom and zeal it was, according to the National Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »



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