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It’s a Madoff World

Stephen Greenspan is a psychologist who specializes in gullibility at the University of Connecticut, wrote an article this week using his expertise to understand why so many people—himself included—fell for Bernie Madoff’s chicanery. After a fascinating historical and psychological . . . . Continue Reading »

Special Ops

The op-ed page of the Washington Post is like Forest Gump’s box of chocolates—you never know what you’re gonna get—and the final day of 2008 was no exception. In ” Darkness in Qassam-Land ,” by Julia Chaitin, a senior lecturer in the Department of Social Work at . . . . Continue Reading »

Good Old Doug Kmiec

Ah, our friend Doug Kmiec has recently been revealed to have given yet more examples of the pattern that made him famous during the Obama campaign. The law professor David Kopel points out that, in the Heller gun-control case, Kmiec signed the February 2008 amicus brief by “Former Senior . . . . Continue Reading »

Haleigh Poutre Abuser Jailed

Haleigh Poutre, the little girl almost dehydrated to death by the State of Massachusetts because she had a severe brain injury, has lived to see her step-father/abuser, Jason Strickland, jailed for twelve-fifteen years. From the story:A judge sentenced the stepfather of Haleigh Poutre yesterday to . . . . Continue Reading »

Sanjay Gupta, New Surgeon General?

Rumors are flying this afternoon that CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will be named Surgeon General under the upcoming Obama administration. In a recent news report for CNN, Dr. Gupta openly criticized the expansion of conscience clauses for health care workers by the . . . . Continue Reading »



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