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Universal Health Care Meltdown in Japan?

Japan’s system of health care boasts of universal coverage and free screenings. But there seems to be trouble brewing in the Land of the Rising Sun exemplified by the tragedy of a patient with serious head injuries dying after he was refused care by 14 hospitals because there was no room for . . . . Continue Reading »

A Culture of Choice?

Rod Dreher calls attention to an essay by Michael Brendan Dougherty , who asks pointed questions about the failure of the thirty-six year old pro-life movement to make any significant gains against a regime of unrestricted abortion. Dougherty’s essay strikes a long and resonant chord with me: . . . . Continue Reading »

Just How Much Is $1.1 Trillion?

It’s 1.1 times ten to the twelfth power, or 1,100,000,000,000. To put that in perspective, the Family Research Council has pulled out a calculator and crunched some numbers . With $1.1 trillion, the grand total so far of Obama’s stimulus plan, we could pave the entire US interstate . . . . Continue Reading »

Make Your Own Atheist Sign!

Remember those atheist bus ads, the ones saying something to the effect of “There’s probably no God, now stop worrying and have a nice day”? Well now you can make your own . (via our managing editor of blessed memory on his Strange Herring blog) . . . . Continue Reading »

“I Was Not to Be Messed With”

Zoe Lewis reflects today at the Times of London on her waning commitment to the feminist movement: I never thought I would be saying this, but being a free woman isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Is that the rustle of taffeta I hear as the suffragettes turn in their graves? Possibly. My . . . . Continue Reading »

“This Much We Know.”

At this morning’s National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama addressed the audience: “Far too often, we have seen faith wielded as a tool to divide us from one another—as an excuse for prejudice and intolerance,” President Obama says. “Wars have been waged. Innocents . . . . Continue Reading »



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