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Italian Woman in Coma Dies

Eluana Englaro, the 38-year-old comatose Italian woman whose feeding tube was removed late last week, has died : Maurizio Sacconi made the announcement in Italy’s Senate as politicians were debating a law that would have forced doctors to continue feeding her . . . . Doctors at a private . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama on God

During Q&A at the February 6th House Democratic Retreat, President Obama renewed his pledge to fund embryo-destructive stem cell research even though promising alternatives exist. “I guarantee you that we will sign an executive order for stem cells. . . . God gave us power to make smart . . . . Continue Reading »

Eluana Englaro Dies

Eluana Englaro has died. From the story: Eluana Englaro, the 38-year-old comatose woman at the center of an Italian right-to-die case, died Monday night despite efforts by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to order doctors to feed her, the clinic said.She had been in a coma since a 1992 car crash. A . . . . Continue Reading »

He’s Good Like That

Our friend Matt Lickona writes, “My first thought on seeing this photo of T-Bone Burnett at the Grammys (standing behind Allison Krauss and Robert Plant) was: How did Jody Bottum make it onstage at the Grammys?” . . . . Continue Reading »

Mary, Mother of Christ

Well now, this could be interesting. Aloe Entertainment is now assembling a cast for a feature film , prospectively called Mary, Mother of Christ . Camilla Belle will be in the title role and Peter O’Toole has signed on to play”Simeon.” Jessica Lange is currently being sought to . . . . Continue Reading »

Prop 8 Maps—Tracking You Down

It is a strange clash between the good of political integrity and transparency, and the basic right to be left alone. Call it the right to privacy, or if that is too penumbrous, say that harassment—stalking, profane emails, death threats—is really best avoided for civic good. For the . . . . Continue Reading »

“This is a False Opposition.”

Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor, the Archbishop of Westminister, has penned an opinion piece on the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth reaffirming the compatibility of faith and science in general, and of evolution and Christianity in particular: This week we will be . . . . Continue Reading »



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