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Treasure Hunt

Recently I’ve spent a lot of time digging through back issues of FT and have been rewarded with gem after gem. Here, for instance, is an excerpt from the May 2001 Public Square : Sydney Smith, who died in 1845, deserves to be better remembered than he is. Not that it would do him any . . . . Continue Reading »

More Money, More Problems

Britain’s latest campaign to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies—through increased sex-ed and access to contraception—has hit a snag : The latest study of pregnancy in Britain has shown that the rate of conception among girls under 18 has risen for the first time in five years. . . . . Continue Reading »

Memories of Ireland and London

I am back in California sinking with my fellow citizens beneath the waves of red ink, jetlagged and scratchy from a persistent chest cold, but gratified that the speaking trip to Ireland and London was (I think), quite successful. Here are a few photos I took for your (hoped for) enjoyment. Thanks . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Reviling Maciel

Tom Hoopes, the editor of the National Catholic Register responds to Fr. Raymond de Souza’s article : Father Raymond J. de Souza has written for the Register since 1997 and was the Register’s Rome correspondent from 1999—2003. Our publisher, Father Owen Kearns, knew of Father . . . . Continue Reading »



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