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Another Stem Cell Advance

The announcement in November of 2006 that researchers in the United States and Japan had succeeded in turning skin cells into what appeared to be the equivalent of embryonic stem cells transformed the landscape of stem cell science, and the related ethical debate. If Democrats in Washington ever . . . . Continue Reading »

Cookie Monsters!

This is how bad things have become: “They associated us with the cookies and the camping, and those were both scary concepts,” said Amelia de Dios Romero, the Girl Scouts’ multicultural marketing manager. “Selling cookies, to them, meant going door-to-door to strangers, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Francis P. Canavan, S.J., 1918-2009

The political scientist Francis Canavan died on Thursday , February 26, at the age of ninety-one—yet another of the great good ones lost to us in recent months. Among his works for First Things were: ” The Popes and the Economy ” in 1991, ” Letting Go How We Die ” in . . . . Continue Reading »

Fear Mongering for Assisted Suicide

There she goes again—meaning Compassion (Hemlock Society) and Choices head Barbara Coombs Lee—pushing the baloney that assisted suicide is only about preventing unalieviable suffering for the terminally ill. Worse, she engages in irresponsible demogoguery about proper care of dying . . . . Continue Reading »



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