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Stem-Cell Doubletalk

I have a piece up on today’s Daily Standard in which I deconstruct President Obama’s stem cell policy. Not only did he revoke former president Bush’s embryonic stem cell funding restrictions, but he also rescinded Bush’s executive order requiring funding of . . . . Continue Reading »

Oprah Culture Strikes Again

Oprah Culture, named after the hyper successful daytime television powerhouse Oprah Winfrey, is soap opera in real life—which in the cause of destroying moralism so that nobody feels badly over their various dyfunctions—extols people pushing the envelope of cultural values, those . . . . Continue Reading »

Rybak Receives Pro-life Award

Congratulations are in order for our outstanding managing editor, Mary Rose Rybak, who is in Washington DC today receiving the “Susan B. Anthony List Young Leader Award.” According to Susan B. Anthony List : The awards are presented to a group of young women who embody the pro-life . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama Frees Himself of Freeman

This week, after withering pressure from a wide range of critics, Charles W. Freeman Jr. withdrew his name after President Obama nominated him to serve as head of the National Intelligence Council. This opening paragraph in the lead editorial of the Washington Post sums up the problems that lead to . . . . Continue Reading »

Me Before Anyone

Over at the Times of London, Philip Delves Broughton lets out a long rant about his fellow Harvard MBA’s: If Robespierre were to ascend from hell and seek out today’s guillotine fodder, he might start with a list of those with three incriminating initials beside their names: MBA. The . . . . Continue Reading »

Preaching Backward

Fr. John Jay Hughes’ very fine piece at today’s First Things web site, “Proclaiming The Good News,” has many good things to say to preachers. Being one myself, I found much to appreciate in his remarks. What especially struck me though was what I take to be a yet distinctive . . . . Continue Reading »

Strip-mining Humanity to Save It

Those are not the words of the usual religious conservative suspects. They belong to William Saletan , writing in Slate on Obama’s federal funding of embryo-destructive stem cell research. Saletan stands in the middle on embryos, seeing them as early-stage human beings who are not owed the . . . . Continue Reading »

Sr. Schneider’s “Irrelevant”

Following up on Sr. Sandra Schneiders’ open hostility toward the upcoming Apostolic Visitation , Lifesite News gets a reaction from Sr. Eva Marie Ackerman, FSMG , U.S. spokesman, for the visit: Sr. Eva Maria Ackerman, told that the Visitation is intended only as a means of . . . . Continue Reading »



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