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Raise a Glass for the Republic

The news is dreadful: According to the Census, since 2006 we have been living in a republic where, for the first time in the history of the republic, Americans drink more bottled water than we drank beer. Why is this important? It’s important because beer is a socially oriented beverage, and . . . . Continue Reading »

The Human Brain is a Machine

At least, that what atheist philosopher Daniel Dennett thinks . He argues that “we’re robots made of robots made of robots made of robots.” In other words, the brain is made up of millions upon millions of neurons, and each of those neurons is made up of eukaryotic cells, and each . . . . Continue Reading »

Missing the Center

An ideological preoccupation with stem cells blocked President Bush from giving his full attention to an intelligence briefing warning of an attack by Bin Laden. This—more or less—is what Frank Rich, the New York Times op-ed columnist, suggests in “The Culture Warriors Get Laid . . . . Continue Reading »

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Lower living standards aren’t all bad. This MSNBC report on pawnshops contains some pretty good news. For one thing, with suddenly-less-prosperous people willing to sacrifice their luxury goods for some cash, thrifty people can now expect fancier items when they make their weekly trek to the . . . . Continue Reading »



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