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Fetal Foreclosure

Here’s one more striking example of how in vitro fertilization turns a human being into a commodity: If you’re angry about the AIG scandal or Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, check out what’s happening to the infertile couples and surrogate mothers involved in a California womb . . . . Continue Reading »

"Single Embryo" IVF May Work Better

Among the downsides of IVF has been the overproduction of embryos, that were then put into the deep freeze. Because most of these nascent humans will never be gestated to birth, they are now looked upon as mere things to be used in research.The reason we have about 400,000 embryos in cold storage is . . . . Continue Reading »

Hymn for the Annunciation

Today the devotional magazine Magnificat had this lovely hymn for the Annunciation by Genevieve Glenn, O.S.B.: The apple tree spread wide its shade To shield the garden from the sun; In dappled light the Virgin prayed That, cloud or clear, God’s will be done. The apple blossoms frothed and . . . . Continue Reading »

Democracy in Russia

Russia’s resurgent druzhiniki (volunteer civilian patrols) provide an interesting example of old-fashioned democratic action that has nothing to do with ballot boxes or liberal rights: Druzhiniki all but disappeared after the Russian government withdrew its support with the collapse of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Culture & Barbarism

In a forceful essay titled “Culture & Barbarism: Metaphysics in a Time of Terrorism,” literary theorist Terry Eagleton explores the role of metaphysics in the postmodern world: If politics has failed to unite the wretched of the earth to transform their condition, we can be sure . . . . Continue Reading »

Four Fibs and a Waffle

George Weigel, writing in the Denver Catholic Register , give a good summary of Barack Obama’s decisions on stem cells, particularly the four fibs and waffle he offered to the American public. Here are the first two fibs: Fib One: According to the President, his executive order will . . . . Continue Reading »



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