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Georgian Patriarch Sparks Baby Boom

Here’s a novel way to address declining birthrates, and it seems to be working: Two years after having one of the lowest birth rates in the world, Georgia is enjoying something of a baby boom, following an intervention from the country’s most senior cleric. At the end of 2007, in a move . . . . Continue Reading »

We’ve Been Warned

This, from a highly readable monograph, Religious Liberties: Nondiscrimination Rules and Religious Associational Freedom by Gregory S. Baylor & Timothy J. Tracey : It is difficult to overstate the threat to religious freedom posed by religion and sexual orientation nondiscrimination rules. A . . . . Continue Reading »

Immensity Cloistered

From John Donne, the great seventeenth-century lyric poet and Catholic-turned-Anglican churchman, we have this lovely poem on the mystery of the Incarnation. It comes near the beginning of his sonnet sequence La Corona , which takes key moments the story of Redemption—mysteries of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Double Trouble

I really hope this doesn’t become a pattern: German police say at least one of the identical twin brothers Hassan and Abbas O. may have perpetrated a recent multimillion euro jewelry heist in Berlin. But because of their indistinguishable DNA, neither can be individually linked to the crime. . . . . Continue Reading »

Students in UK to Study Internet

For primary-school students in the UK, studying history might soon become, well, history : Primary school pupils should learn how to blog and use internet sites like Twitter and Wikipedia and spend less time studying history, it is claimed. A review of the primary school curriculum in England will . . . . Continue Reading »

A Question of Honor

Over at Vox Nova Henry Karison has a question : Given that the United States, as a nation, has been actively involved with many intrinsic evils (unjust war, torture, the promotion of abortion, et. al), is it appropriate for a Catholic University to fly the American flag? Does that act itself give . . . . Continue Reading »

PETA Kills More Animals Than Ever

As we have discussed here at SHS, PETA has killed tens of thousands of dogs and cats at its Norfolk, VA headquarters in the last ten years—apparently including adoptable animals. But based on public records studied by the non profit, food industry-financed Center for Consumer Freedom, the . . . . Continue Reading »



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