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Medical Elite at War With Hippocratic Oath

Yes, yes, I know: Very few doctors take the Hippocratic Oath anymore—which I have repeatedly written about here at SHS and elsewhere—because it interferes with modern cultural norms (and that includes the Hippocratic proscription against having sex with patients). But surely, physicians . . . . Continue Reading »

Trevino on the Recife Case

In yesterday’s daily article , Joshua S. Trevino’s main point is that the mainstream media’s understanding of religion is deplorable, and about that he’s certainly right. In the course of discussing Catholic doctrine and canon law in connection with the Recife case, however, . . . . Continue Reading »

Where’s the Evidence?

As people like David Rothkopf continue to accuse Benedict XVI of furthering the pain and suffering of Africa by not advocating condoms as the best way to prevent AIDS, Ross Douthat asks where exactly they see the evidence for this Catholic malfeasance: Do religious Africans have higher infection . . . . Continue Reading »

Jade Goody: Death as Entertainment

Damian Thompson reflects on the death of British reality-TV star Jade Goody and what the media attention given the event says about our society: Jade Goody has died. Move along now, there’s nothing more to see. Unless you count her grief-stricken relatives and “grieving” crowds, . . . . Continue Reading »

Struggling with Saletan

Yesterday I mentioned an article by William Saletan about surrogate mothers in California who, because they stopped being paid for their services, had every right to abort the child that, genetically speaking, wasn’t even theirs. As I said, the case is “another example of how in vitro . . . . Continue Reading »



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