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Using Deadly Force to Save the Unborn

According to the local news in Oklahoma City : A bill in the Oklahoma Legislature would allow pregnant women to use deadly force in order to save the lives of their babies. The bill stems from a Michigan case where a woman who was carrying quadruplets stabbed and killed her boyfriend after he hit . . . . Continue Reading »

Patrico and Dawkins on Death

Ryan Sayre Patrico thinks that Richard Dawkins is silly for saying that, if death is complete annihilation, then it is illogical to fear death. Nevertheless, this was the view of some of our greatest philosophers. Here’s Socrates in the Apology (40c-e): There is good hope that death is a . . . . Continue Reading »

Bring on the Newspeak

The new head of the department of homeland security now refers to “man-caused” disasters instead of terrorist attacks. Why, you might ask? “That is perhaps only a nuance, but it demonstrates that we want to move away from the politics of fear toward a policy of being prepared for . . . . Continue Reading »

Pushing an Organ Commodities Market

Psychiatrist Sally Satel, of the American Enterprise Institute, has written about being diagnosed with eventual renal failure and her efforts to jump ahead of the organ waiting list (before going on dialysis) by finding someone to give her a kidney. (Her efforts failed until the author Virgina . . . . Continue Reading »

Et Et Doesn’t Apply to Everything

More from the you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up department: For nearly 30 years, [Ann Holmes] Redding has been an ordained minister in the Episcopal Church. Her priesthood ended Wednesday when she was defrocked. The reason? For the past three years Redding has been both a practicing Christian and . . . . Continue Reading »



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