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Why Can’t We Concentrate?

Laura Miller reviews Winifred Gallagher’s latest book on—Wait, what was it on again? Oh, yeah.—our culture’s inability to concentrate and what we can do about it: You don’t have to agree that “we” are getting stupider, or that today’s youth are going to . . . . Continue Reading »

In The Fast Lane to Polygamy

In the Canadian magazine Macleans , Mark Steyn reminds us that some slopes really are slippery : What’s my line on legalized polygamy? Oh, I pretty much said it all back in 2004, in a column for Ezra Levant’s Western Standard. Headline: “It’s Closer Than They Think.” Well, . . . . Continue Reading »

By Ignoring the Rational Arguments Made Against Assisted Suicide, Yale Medical Professor Argues That Opposing PAS is "Not Necessarily Rational"

Some of our most formerly venerable medical journals are becoming increasingly radical. Critical Care Medicine, the journal for intensive care doctors, is a case in point. In the past, the Ethics Committee of the Society of Critical Care Medicine supported futile care theory, and quite notably, the . . . . Continue Reading »

A Specter Indeed

Finally the pun sticks: Arlen Specter has jumped the shark . In his most self-serving and risible move since the Magic Bullet Theory, Specter will become a Democrat and run accordingly in 2010. Tautologically speaking, no party should want a Senator who no longer wants to be a party member, but it . . . . Continue Reading »

Beyond Belief

In a new article in the Boston Globe , Nathan Schneider examines a growing trend in the social sciences—the study of irreligion: Religion can be good for more than the soul, a growing number of studies seem to say. Over the past decade, academic research on religiosity has exploded, and with . . . . Continue Reading »

Torture Tuesday

First, if you haven’t already, be sure to read today’s “The Mental Murder of Torture,” by First Things associate editor Russell E. Saltzman: Now, I’m not so dumb or so liberal that I can’t understand and remember and share the anger the September 11 attack produced . . . . Continue Reading »



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