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Give Me That Old-Time Toleration

First Things board member Hadley Arkes writing at The Catholic Thing : In our own time, “tolerance” and “multiculturalism” begin by receding from the casting of judgments. The New Tolerance disclaims any monopoly on truth, moral or religious, and in fact it disclaims any ground . . . . Continue Reading »

Planting a Faith Garden

There’s something irresistible about plant names. I don’t mean formal botanical nomenclature, though that can tell its own fascinating stories, but the folk terms, the little nicknames, that get given to plants because someone happened to look down and notice a confection of foliage . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Things Are Spinning Out of Control

This video vividly explains how computer technology’s geometric growth is profoundly changing the world—with results that may be beyond or ability to control. Secondhand Smoke notwithstanding to the contrary, by opening this particular Pandora’s box, we may have finally found the . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama and Despotism

So lovers of freedom are all over the president for three reasons.  First, his enormous expansion of the reach of the national government will produce the schoolmarmish soft despotism of apathetic dependents feared by Tocqueville.  To some extent that’s undeniably the intention of . . . . Continue Reading »



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